[Download] Karenderia Merchant App Restaurant

[Download] Karenderia Merchant App Restaurant

Download Karenderia Merchant App Restaurant free – Latest version [Nulled] , powered by bastikikang Admin Panel    Merchant Panel    Website    APK DEMO    – Version: 1.0.4 – Last update: October 09, 2023 Update Instructions During update your mobile app vue files, please run the npm install again both in main folder and src-capacitor folder Requirements NodeJS 16+ […]
[Download] Karenderia Mobile App Multi Restaurant

[Download] Karenderia Mobile App Multi Restaurant

Download Karenderia Mobile App Multi Restaurant free – Latest version [Nulled] , powered by bastikikang Admin Panel    Merchant Panel    PWA demo    Android demo        Notice : To test ordering please use Los angeles as address – Version: 1.0.4 – Last update: August 25, 2023 Update Instructions During update your mobile app vue files, please run […]
Download Karenderia Multi-Currency Nulled

Download Karenderia Multi-Currency Nulled

Karenderia Multi-Currency is addon modules for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System allows your customers to switch between currencies and helps your merchant to accept payments in multi-currency. The exchange rate can be set up manually or automatically using the finance provider you choose from backend, also this addon can automatically get customer’s geolocation and display the […]